09:00 – 10:15 Qigong inspired movements and Gentle Yoga Qigong (the ancient Chinese art of energy cultivation), and incorporating short Mindful Meditation. This practice strengthens Qi flow (life energy of the body) and maintains the health of the body's meridian system based on traditional Chinese medicine. Release physical and energetic imbalances and tensions. Create a sense of ease, openness and steadiness in mind and body.
10:30 – 12:00 Group Emotional Wellbeing Coaching and Sophrology Sophrology is a life-changing modern meditation practice, that'll educate participants with self-care techniques that can be applied to their day to day life: reducing stress, building resilience, improving sleep. Drawing from ancient wisdom traditions of the East like Yoga, Buddhist Meditation and Zen Buddhism, as well as Western modern psychology and hypnosis, Sophrology aims to improve mind-body awareness, helping you to stay positive, confident and calm.
Classes are suitable for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced.
Private 1:1 Classes are also available online. Please email us to book your session.